Masturbasi adalah prilaku normal, yaitu aktivitas seksual berupa perangsangan pada organ kelamin untuk mendapatkan kenikmatan atau kepuasan seksual, baik dilakukan sendiri (autoerotis) maupun dibantu pasangan –dengan atau tanpa alat bantu.
Mestinya, tak ada larangan untuk melakukan masturbasi, terutama pada pasangan yang sudah menikah dan menjadikan aktivitas ini sebagai selingan yang menyenangkan dari seks mereka. Masturbasi mungkin menjadi bermasalah jika sudah menjadi hal yang begitu memengaruhi jiwa (kompulsif: entah karena perasaan berdosa, mulai menyimpang), dan menjadi ketagihan sehingga mungkin saja merusak organ genital –baik lecet, rusaknya jaringan mukosa, dan sebagainya. Tapi, hal seperti ini tidak umum terjadi.
Jenis Masturbasi. Berdasarkan cara melakukannya, masturbasi dapat dibedakan menjadi 3 macam, yaitu:
- Masturbasi sendiri (auto masturbation): stimulasi pada kelamin dengan menggunakan tangan, jari, atau menggesek-gesekkannya pada suatu objek. Dilakukan sendiri tanpa atau menggunakan alat bantu.
- Masturbasi bersama (mutual masturbation): stimulasi pada kelamin yang dilakukan secara berdua atau lebih. Biasanya dilakukan oleh pasangan, sebagai variasi aktivitas seks mereka.
- Masturbasi psikis. Jika Anda pernah menonton film When Harry Met Sally, ada adegan di mana Meg Ryan melakukan masturbasi psikis, yang ia lakukan di sebuah restoran penuh orang. Aksi ini benar-benar sangat memikat, tak terlupakan, dan begitu menggetarkan. Salah satu adegan yang mengantarkan saya menjadi laki-laki semi dewasa.
- Masturbasi normal. Merupakan pelepasan tekanan seksual pada masa puber, pada seseorang yang belum menikah, atau dilakukan oleh pasangan sebagai selingan intercourse yang konvensional, dan dilakukan secara tidak berlebihan.
- Masturbasi neurotik. Masturbasi ini terlalu sering dilakukan dan bersifat kompulsif. Misalnya dilakukan oleh pasangan yang lebih memilih masturbasi ketimbang intercourse, masturbasi yang dilakukan dengan gejala-gejala kecemasan, rasa salah atau berdosa yang berlebihan, hingga masturbasi yang merupakan penyimpangan seksual seperti Auto-erotic Asphyxiation (AEA).
AEA adalah sejenis masturbasi level
advance di mana pelakunya mencoba mendapatkan kenikmatan luar biasa dengan cara
mengurangi asupan oksigen ke otak saat melakukan masturbasi. Cara ini konon
akan membuat pelakunya merasa melayang dan gembira, bisa menerima sensasi
rangsangan luar biasa, hingga merasakan ejakulasi yang dahsyat. Cara yang biasa
dilakukan adalah dengan mengikat atau mencekik leher sendiri.
Masturbation is a normal behavior, namely sexual activity such as stimulation of the genital organs to gain pleasure or sexual gratification, whether taken alone (autoerotis) and assisted pair-with or without assistive devices.Accordingly, there is no prohibition to masturbate, especially on married couples and to make this activity as a fun distraction from their sex. Masturbation may be problematic if it becomes something so affecting the soul (compulsive: either because of the sense of sin, began to diverge), and became hooked so may damage the genital organs-either blisters, mucosal tissue damage, and so on. But, things like this are not common.Masturbation type. Based on how you do it, masturbation can be divided into three kinds, namely:
Masturbation itself (auto masturbation): stimulation of the genitals using the hands, fingers, or swipe-gesekkannya on an object. Do yourself without or using tools.
Mutual masturbation (mutual masturbation): stimulation of the genitals is done both or more. Usually done by the couple, as a variation of their sexual activity.
Masturbation psychic. If you ever watch the movie When Harry Met Sally, there is a scene where Meg Ryan psychic masturbation, which he did in a restaurant full of people. This action is really quite alluring, unforgettable, and so thrilling. One scene that drove me into a semi-adult male.Meanwhile, Caprio masturbate-a psychologist classifies into two major groups, namely:
Masturbation is normal. Is the release of sexual tension during puberty, to someone who is not married, or done by the couple as a distraction conventional intercourse, and done in moderation.
Masturbation neurotic. Masturbation is too often done and is compulsive. For example done by couples who prefer masturbation than intercourse, masturbation is done with the symptoms of anxiety, a sense of wrong or sinful excess, to masturbation which is a sexual perversion such as Auto-erotic asphyxiation (AEA).AEA is a kind of masturbation advanced level where the perpetrators try to get the incredible pleasure by reducing oxygen to the brain while masturbating. This method is said to make the perpetrators feel lost and happy, can receive stimuli extraordinary sensation, to feel powerful ejaculation. The usual way is to bind or strangle themselves.
Masturbation is a normal behavior, namely sexual activity such as stimulation of the genital organs to gain pleasure or sexual gratification, whether taken alone (autoerotis) and assisted pair-with or without assistive devices.Accordingly, there is no prohibition to masturbate, especially on married couples and to make this activity as a fun distraction from their sex. Masturbation may be problematic if it becomes something so affecting the soul (compulsive: either because of the sense of sin, began to diverge), and became hooked so may damage the genital organs-either blisters, mucosal tissue damage, and so on. But, things like this are not common.Masturbation type. Based on how you do it, masturbation can be divided into three kinds, namely:
Masturbation itself (auto masturbation): stimulation of the genitals using the hands, fingers, or swipe-gesekkannya on an object. Do yourself without or using tools.
Mutual masturbation (mutual masturbation): stimulation of the genitals is done both or more. Usually done by the couple, as a variation of their sexual activity.
Masturbation psychic. If you ever watch the movie When Harry Met Sally, there is a scene where Meg Ryan psychic masturbation, which he did in a restaurant full of people. This action is really quite alluring, unforgettable, and so thrilling. One scene that drove me into a semi-adult male.Meanwhile, Caprio masturbate-a psychologist classifies into two major groups, namely:
Masturbation is normal. Is the release of sexual tension during puberty, to someone who is not married, or done by the couple as a distraction conventional intercourse, and done in moderation.
Masturbation neurotic. Masturbation is too often done and is compulsive. For example done by couples who prefer masturbation than intercourse, masturbation is done with the symptoms of anxiety, a sense of wrong or sinful excess, to masturbation which is a sexual perversion such as Auto-erotic asphyxiation (AEA).AEA is a kind of masturbation advanced level where the perpetrators try to get the incredible pleasure by reducing oxygen to the brain while masturbating. This method is said to make the perpetrators feel lost and happy, can receive stimuli extraordinary sensation, to feel powerful ejaculation. The usual way is to bind or strangle themselves.
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