Berikut nasehat dari satu buku tua, The Joy of Sex, yang kini dilengkapi dengan berbagai trik baru untuk membuat hubungan Anda dan si Dia makin ‘panas.’
- Jangan pernah berhenti bereksperimen. Sensitivitas tubuh si Dia berubah seiring naiknya gairah. Bereksperimenlah dan telusuri lagi langkah Anda sehingga tak hanya terpaku pada satu titik. Selain itu, Anda bisa mendatangi serangkaian titik-titik sensitif lainnya secara teratur. Gunakan kode yang mudah yang bisa digunakan si Dia: Ke arah mana tangan Anda harus bergerak, sebagai contoh ‘atas’ atau ’bawah’. Atau tanyakan padanya, “Bagaimana rasanya, satu sampai sepuluh?” kemudian variasikan tekanannya.
- Si Dia membutuhkan selingan. Saat bercinta, para pria fokus pada datangnya klimaks. Pikiran wanita mengembara, kerap kali berfantasi. Untuk mencapai orgasme, si Dia perlu menjernihkan pikiran dan mematikan pusat rasa takut di otaknya. Berfantasi adalah cara baginya untuk melepas pikirannya, dan itu menjadi bagian penting untuk mematikan pusat ketakutannya. Dorong pelepasan si Dia dengan membangun suatu fantasi erotis sebelum keadaan jadi memanas. Kemudian, bisikkan kalimat yang provokatif secara bergantian, bangun cerita yang bisa menghilangkan ketakutannya.
- Biarkan Si Dia mengambil alih. Biarkan si Dia mengendalikan kecepatan dan intensitas (baik awal atau seluruhnya, tergantung suasana hati) sehingga Anda berdua tahu apa yang terbaik baginya. Lebih banyak kesenangan yang didapat pasangan Anda, semakin baik buat Anda. Dorong si Dia untuk berada di atas: Hal ini memungkinkan untuk mengambil keuntungan dari berbagai macam posisi yang menghadap Anda, bahkan saat duduk bersila di atas Anda.
- Sentuhan yang berbeda membawa hasil yang berbeda. Klitoris, vagina, dan uretra saling berhubungan. Para peneliti percaya, merangsang salah satunya mungkin akan mendongkrak gairah secara keseluruhan. Gunakan sentuhan yang lembut, gerakan melingkar dengan jari Anda. Saraf uretra sangat sensitif, sehingga rangsangan di sini menciptakan suatu gairah yang lembut tapi menciptakan klimaks. Pastikan tangan Anda bersih, karena daerah ini rawan infeksi.
- Kurangi kecepatan. Tarik mundur saat si Dia hampir mencapai klimaks dan kemudian lanjutkan. Ini bisa meningkatkan orgasmenya. Minta si Dia untuk memberitahukan Anda ketika hampir mencapai puncak, dan kemudian tarik mundur selama beberapa menit untuk mencium dan berkonsentrasi pada bagian lain dari tubuhnya. Ulangi beberapa kali –membangkitkan, lalu menarik diri– sampai Anda membawanya ke ‘garis batas’.
Following the advice of an old book, The Joy of Sex, which is now equipped with a variety of new tricks to make your relationship and the He increasingly 'hot.'
Do not ever stop experimenting. He turned the body's sensitivity as rising passion. Experiment and explore more of your steps, so do not just focus on one point. Additionally, you can go to a series of other sensitive points regularly. Use the easy code that can be used the He: Which direction should move your hand, for example 'top' or 'bottom'. Or ask him, "How does it feel, one to ten?" Then vary the pressure.
He needed the distraction. When having sex, the men focus on the coming climax. Woman's mind wanders, often fantasize. To achieve orgasm, the he needs to clear your mind and shut off the fear center in the brain. Fantasy is a way for him to take off his mind, and it became an important part to shut down the center of her fears. Push the release of the He by building an erotic fantasy before things get heated up. Then, whisper provocative sentences in turn, get up a story that could eliminate the fear.
Let Si He took over. Let him control the speed and intensity (either early or entirely, depending on the mood) so you both know what is best for him. Gained more pleasure your partner, the better for you. Encourage him to be on top: It is possible to take advantage of a wide variety of positions facing you, even when sitting cross-legged on top of you.
Different touch brings different results. The clitoris, vagina, and urethra interconnected. The researchers believe, one of which may be stimulating boost overall arousal. Use a gentle touch, a circular motion with your fingers. Urethral nerves are very sensitive, so stimulation here creates a gentle passion but creates a climax. Make sure your hands are clean, because the area is prone to infection.
Reduce speed. Pull back when he nearly reached the climax and then proceed. This could increase the orgasms. Ask your child to tell you when he almost reached the top, and then pull backwards for a few minutes to kiss and concentrate on other parts of the body. Repeat several times-raised, then pulled away-until you bring it to the 'borderline'.
Following the advice of an old book, The Joy of Sex, which is now equipped with a variety of new tricks to make your relationship and the He increasingly 'hot.'
Do not ever stop experimenting. He turned the body's sensitivity as rising passion. Experiment and explore more of your steps, so do not just focus on one point. Additionally, you can go to a series of other sensitive points regularly. Use the easy code that can be used the He: Which direction should move your hand, for example 'top' or 'bottom'. Or ask him, "How does it feel, one to ten?" Then vary the pressure.
He needed the distraction. When having sex, the men focus on the coming climax. Woman's mind wanders, often fantasize. To achieve orgasm, the he needs to clear your mind and shut off the fear center in the brain. Fantasy is a way for him to take off his mind, and it became an important part to shut down the center of her fears. Push the release of the He by building an erotic fantasy before things get heated up. Then, whisper provocative sentences in turn, get up a story that could eliminate the fear.
Let Si He took over. Let him control the speed and intensity (either early or entirely, depending on the mood) so you both know what is best for him. Gained more pleasure your partner, the better for you. Encourage him to be on top: It is possible to take advantage of a wide variety of positions facing you, even when sitting cross-legged on top of you.
Different touch brings different results. The clitoris, vagina, and urethra interconnected. The researchers believe, one of which may be stimulating boost overall arousal. Use a gentle touch, a circular motion with your fingers. Urethral nerves are very sensitive, so stimulation here creates a gentle passion but creates a climax. Make sure your hands are clean, because the area is prone to infection.
Reduce speed. Pull back when he nearly reached the climax and then proceed. This could increase the orgasms. Ask your child to tell you when he almost reached the top, and then pull backwards for a few minutes to kiss and concentrate on other parts of the body. Repeat several times-raised, then pulled away-until you bring it to the 'borderline'.
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