Seks Tak Terlupakan di Ruang Tamu - Unforgettable Sex in Living Room

Bagi Anne, seks yang ia lakukan bersama pasangannya ketika berlibur ke Thailand tak pernah bisa terlupakan. “Sofa berbentuk L di hotel Sukhumvit-Bangkok, benar-benar luar biasa. Sangat nyaman untuk dipakai bercinta,” katanya mengenang.

Hal itulah yang ia adopsi ke rumahnya. Bercinta di sofa menjadi menu  seks yang selalu dinanti. Menurut Anne, ia merasa nyaman, jika bisa melihat wajah pasangannya saat bercinta. Jadi pilihan posisinya adalah:

Posisi1 : Woman on top adalah posisi terbaik, karena Anne bisa menstimulasi sisi paling sensitif di vaginanya. “Tapi yang penting, saya bisa melihat wajah pasangan,” katanya tertawa, ”Dan saya bisa saja tiba-tiba berhenti saat hampir sampai di 'puncak', menciumi wajahnya sejenak, kemudian melanjutkan gerakan hingga orgasme.” Orgasme seperti ini, menurut Anne, bisa terus terasa hingga keesokan harinya. “Rasanya enak dan nikmat di seluruh tubuh, kadang-kadang membuat tubuh saya bergelinjang di tengah meeting.”
Untuk woman on top ini, Anne meminta pasangannya untuk duduk di pinggiran sofa atau malah berbaring sekalian. “Percaya atau tidak, rasanya berbeda ketimbang duduk di pinggiran tempat tidur,” katanya.

Posisi 2: Posisi lain yang disukai Anne di sofa adalah misionaris. “Nah, tapi sofa memberikan banyak kemungkinan untuk misionaris, misalnya satu kaki diangkat di sandaran, sedangkan kaki yang lain menjuntai ke bawah -ini bisa berbeda sensasi dengan kedua kaki yang terbuka lebar,” kata Anne. Dengan hanya mengeksplorasi sudut yang tepat, mengubah arah kaki, hal itu cukup ampuh menciptakan beragam sensasi bagi Anne. Dan untungnya, ia cukup mudah mencapai puncak.

Ternyata untuk membuang kejenuhan, mencari hal baru dalam seks, Anda bisa mencarinya di sekeliling rumah. Khususnya, jika Anda sedang 'puasa' liburan. Ya, kenapa tidak Anda coba?



For Anne, which he did sex with his partner while on vacation in Thailand can never be forgotten. "L-shaped sofa-Sukhumvit hotel in Bangkok, truly remarkable. Very comfortable to wear make love, "she recalled.That's what he was adopted into his home. Making love on the couch into a sex menu is always anticipated. According to Anne, she feels comfortable, if you can see the face of her partner during sex. So the choice of position is:Posisi1: Woman on top is the best position, because Anne could stimulate the most sensitive in her vagina. "But the point is, I could see the faces of the couple," he said laughing, "And I can just suddenly stop when almost at the 'peak', kissing his face for a moment, then continue the movement until orgasm." Orgasms like this, according to Anne, could continue to feel until the next day. "It feels good and delicious throughout the body, sometimes making my body bergelinjang in the middle of a meeting."For the woman on top of this, Anne asks her partner to sit on the edge of the couch or even lying down as well. "Believe it or not, it feels different than sitting on the edge of the bed," he said.Position 2: Another position on the couch like Anne is a missionary. "Well, but the sofa gives many possibilities for missionaries, for example, one leg lifted on the back, while the other leg hanging down-this could be a different sensation with legs wide open," said Anne. With just the right angle to explore, change the direction of the feet, it is powerful enough to create a variety of sensations for Anne. And fortunately, it is quite easy to reach the top.It turned out to dispose of saturation, looking for new things in sex, you could look around the house. Specifically, if you're 'fasting' vacation. Yes, why do not you try? 

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