Kehidupan seksual yang baik akan membuat keharmonisan rumah tangga terjaga dengan baik, begitu pula sebaliknya. Seperti halnya kesehatan tubuh yang juga dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, gairah seksual juga dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor penting seperti makanan, aktivitas fisik, dan lingkungan. Nah, agar gairah seksual Anda kembali meningkat untuk memuaskan pasangan, 4 tips ini wajib Anda coba.
- Olahraga Bersama Pasangan. Olahraga bisa melepaskan zat kimia yang bernama dopamin, hormon yang dapat memberikan sensasi nyaman. Dengan olahraga kadar testosteron tubuh juga akan meningkat. Tingkat libido dan kemampuan ereksi sangat bergantung pada testosteron dalam tubuh. Olahraga juga membantu melancarkan sirkulasi darah serta menjaga kebugaran tubuh. Dengan tubuh yang bugar maka kehidupan seksual Anda akan lebih bergairah dan menyenangkan.
- Diet Sehat. Mengkonsumsi makanan yang sehat sangat dianjurkan untuk memperbaiki kehidupan seksual. Buah-buahan dan sayuran adalah yang utama. Apel, pisang, ceri, kelapa, kurma, anggur, mangga, pepaya, persik, pir, plum, delima, raspberry dan strawberry adalah buah-buahan yang dikenal sebagai pembangkit gairah seksual di dunia. Sementara asparagus, wortel, seledri, jagung, ketimun, wortel, dan terung merupakan peningkat libido yang baik. Bonusnya, tubuh pun akan lebih bugar!
- Rajin Membaca. Carilah referensi untuk menambah pengetahuan Anda seputar seks baik dari buku, internet, koran, ataupun majalah. Makin banyak pengetahuan yang didapat makin kuat pula pemahaman Anda tentang seks. Ajak pasangan untuk mengupas semua permasalahan seks yang Anda hadapi berbekal referensi yang Anda dapatkan.
- Komunikasi Penting! Terbukalah tentang masalah seks kepada pasangan. Seringkali masalah seksual suami istri timbul karena hambatan komunikasi. Membicarakan dengan pasangan apa yang Anda suka dan apa yang kurang disuka dapat membawa kehidupan seks lebih menyenangkan.
Anda juga bisa mengajak pasangan pergi berlibur ke satu tempat eksotis yang belum pernah dikunjungi. Cara ini bisa meningkatkan kembali keharmonisan rumah tangga dan kehidupan seksual Anda.
Good sexual life will make domestic harmony are well preserved, and vice versa. Just
as physical health is also affected by various factors, sexual desire
is also influenced by a variety of important factors such as diet,
physical activity, and environment. Well, in order to increase your sexual desire back to satisfy your partner, these 4 tips you must try.
Couple Together Sports. Sports can release a chemical called dopamine, a hormone that can provide a comfortable sensation. With exercise the body's testosterone levels will also increase. Libido and erection capability is very dependent on testosterone in the body. Exercise also helps blood circulation and keep in shape. With a fit body then your sex life will be more stimulating and enjoyable.
Healthy Diet. Consuming a healthy diet is highly recommended to improve their sex lives. Fruits and vegetables are the main ones. Apples, bananas, cherries, coconut, dates, grapes, mango, papaya, peach, pear, plum, pomegranate, raspberry and strawberry fruit is known as sexual arousal plant in the world. While asparagus, carrots, celery, corn, cucumbers, carrots, and eggplant is a good libido enhancer. Bonus, your body will be fitter!
Diligent Reading. Look for references to add to your knowledge about sex either from books, the internet, newspapers, or magazines. The more knowledge gained the more powerful the your understanding of sex. Invite couples to strip all the problems that you are facing armed sexual references you get.
Communication is important! Be open about sex to your partner. Often the marital sexual problems arise due to communication barriers. Discuss with your partner what you like and what you can bring a less preferred sex life more enjoyable.You can also invite couples go on vacation to an exotic place you've never visited. This method can improve the return of domestic harmony and your sexual life.
Couple Together Sports. Sports can release a chemical called dopamine, a hormone that can provide a comfortable sensation. With exercise the body's testosterone levels will also increase. Libido and erection capability is very dependent on testosterone in the body. Exercise also helps blood circulation and keep in shape. With a fit body then your sex life will be more stimulating and enjoyable.
Healthy Diet. Consuming a healthy diet is highly recommended to improve their sex lives. Fruits and vegetables are the main ones. Apples, bananas, cherries, coconut, dates, grapes, mango, papaya, peach, pear, plum, pomegranate, raspberry and strawberry fruit is known as sexual arousal plant in the world. While asparagus, carrots, celery, corn, cucumbers, carrots, and eggplant is a good libido enhancer. Bonus, your body will be fitter!
Diligent Reading. Look for references to add to your knowledge about sex either from books, the internet, newspapers, or magazines. The more knowledge gained the more powerful the your understanding of sex. Invite couples to strip all the problems that you are facing armed sexual references you get.
Communication is important! Be open about sex to your partner. Often the marital sexual problems arise due to communication barriers. Discuss with your partner what you like and what you can bring a less preferred sex life more enjoyable.You can also invite couples go on vacation to an exotic place you've never visited. This method can improve the return of domestic harmony and your sexual life.
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