Hindari Minum Air dari Botol yang Terpapar Sinar Matahari - Avoid drinking water from the bottle Sunlight Exposure

Banyak orang yang takut meminum air yang disimpan dalam botol yang terpapar sinar matahari. Mitos menyebutkan, paparan panas menyebabkan zat-zat kimia dalam plastik bisa larut dalam air dan memicu kanker.

Untuk menguji kebenaran mitos tersebut, tim peneliti dari Universitas Nanjing di Tiongkok dan Universitas Floria melakukan percobaan. Mereka menyimpan 16 merek air dalam kemasan yang dijual di Tiongkok pada tiga suhu, yakni 3,8 derajat celcius, 25 derajat celcius, dan 70 derajat celcius.

Pemilihan suhu tersebut dipilih untuk menyerupai suhu dalam kulkas, suhu ruangan, dan suhu di dalam mobil. "Berdasarkan literatur, ini adalah temperatur yang bisa dicapai di dalam mobil ketika udara panas," kata ketua peneliti Lena Ma.

Kemudian para peneliti mengukur kadar dua zat kimia, antimony dan bisphenol A (BPA) dalam botol setelah disimpan selama 2, 3 dan 4, minggu.

Antimony, salah satu bentuk logam, diduga berperan dalam penyakit paru, jantung, dan pencernaan. International Agency for Research on Cancer juga mengelompokkan metal yang disebut antimony trioxide ini punya kemungkinan karsinogen.

Sementara itu BPA di dalam tubuh bisa menyerupai estrogen. BPA sendiri ditemukan pada beberapa jenis plastik dan sudah dilarang penggunaannya oleh FDA untuk botol susu bayi dan cangkir bayi belajar minum.

Para peneliti menemukan, ketika suhu meningkat dan waktu terlampaui, dideteksi peningkatan level antimony pada botol air. Secara spesifik, di suhu 25 derajat celcius terjadi peningkatkan antimony dua kali lipat dibanding pada suhu dingin. Meski begitu level logam berat ini bervariasi pada berbagai merek minuman.

Pada suhu yang sama, kadar BPA hanya ditemukan meningkat pada 3 merek, walau konsentrasinya belum perlu dikhawatirkan. Tetapi kehadiran BPA dalam botol air masih menjadi misteri.

"Secara teori, plastik seharusnya tak mengandung BPA. Tapi bisa juga saat proses pembuatan, terutama jika memakai produk daur ulang, bisa ditemukan BPA," kata Ma.

Di suhu 70 derajat atau suhu dalam mobil, konsentrasi antimony secara konsisten meningkat. Jumlah tertinggi yang diukur mencapai .00026 miligram perliter air. Tetapi jumlah tersebut masih lebih rendah dibanding standar aman dari EPA .0006 mg/liter air.

Para peneliti memperkirakan bahwa dalam skenario terburuk, minum air yang terkontaminasi tersebut bisa berbahaya, terutama untuk anak.

Perlu diketahui, keberadaan zat kimia dalam botol air tersebut memang rendah, meski begitu Ma tetap menyarankan untuk menghindari minum air dalam botol yang sudah terpapar panas.

"Jika Anda menyimpan botol air dalam tempat panas, antimony bisa dilepaskan dari plastik dan tercampur dalam air," katanya.

Meski begitu, jika minum air tersebut sesekali mungkin tak perlu terlalu khawatir. "Minum air dari botol itu aman, tapi jangan menyimpannya dalam lingkungan panas terlalu lama," tandasnya.


Many people are afraid to drink the water stored in bottles exposed to sunlight. Myth says, exposure to heat causes the chemicals in the plastic can dissolve in water and cause cancer.

To test the truth of the myth, a team of researchers from Nanjing University in China and University of Floria experiment. They save 16 brands of bottled water sold in China at three temperatures, 3.8 degrees Celsius, 25 degrees Celsius and 70 degrees Celsius.

The selection was chosen to resemble the temperature in the refrigerator temperature, room temperature, and the temperature in the car. "Based on the literature, this is the temperature that can be reached in the car when the air is hot," said lead researcher Lena Ma.

Then the researchers measured levels of two chemicals, antimony and bisphenol A (BPA) in bottles after being stored for 2, 3 and 4, weeks.

Antimony, one form of the metal, has been implicated in lung disease, heart, and gastrointestinal. International Agency for Research on Cancer also classify metal called antimony trioxide This has the possibility of carcinogens.

Meanwhile BPA can mimic estrogen in the body. BPA was found in some types of plastics and their use has been banned by the FDA for baby bottles and cups baby learns to drink.

The researchers found that when the temperature increases and the time is exceeded, detected increased levels of antimony in bottled water. Specifically, at a temperature of 25 degrees centigrade increase antimony occurs two times higher than in cold temperatures. Even so the level of heavy metals varies on different brands of beverages.

At the same temperature, increased levels of BPA found only in 3 brand, although the concentration is not to worry. But the presence of BPA in water bottles is still a mystery.

"In theory, it should not contain BPA plastic., But could also currently making process, especially if using recycled products, can be found BPA," said Ma.

At a temperature of 70 degrees or the temperature in the car, antimony concentration consistently increased. The highest number of measured reaches .00026 milligrams per liter of water. But the number is still lower than the EPA safe standard of .0006 mg / liter of water.

The researchers estimate that in the worst case scenario, the contaminated drinking water can be dangerous, especially for children.

Please note, the presence of chemical substances in the water bottle is low, despite that Ma still advised to avoid drinking bottled water that has been exposed to heat.

"If you keep a bottle of water in the hot spot, antimony can be removed from the plastic into the water," he said.

Even so, if the drinking water may occasionally do not have to worry too much. "Drinking water from the bottle safely, but do not store it in a hot environment for too long," he said.


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