Untuk Wanita: Jeritan Hati Lelaki …!!!!!!

For Women: Cry of the Heart Men ... !!!!!!


1. Tidak Semua lelaki itu seperti Dedy Cobuzer (Pesulap Indonesia).
Jadi jangan harap kami bisa membaca isi pikiranmu disaat kamu manyun tanpa suara. Apa susahnya sih bilang : “Aku Laper, Aku minta dibeliin pakaian, Tolong Rayu Aku…!!”

2. Hari Minggu itu waktunya istirahat setelah 6 hari bekerja, jadi jangan harap kami mau menemani seharian jalan2 ke mall.

3. Berbelanja BUKAN olahraga.  Dan kami gak akan berpikir ke arah situ. Bagi kami belanja ya belanja, kalau sudah pas ya beli saja, perbedaan harga toko A dan B
cuma 1,000 perak jadi nggak usah keliling kota untuk cari yang paling murah, buang2 bensin aja.

4. Menangis merupakan suatu pemerasan.  Lebih baik kami mendengar suara petir, guntur , bom meledak daripada suara tangisanmu yang membuat kami tidak bisa berbuat apa2.

5. Tanya apa yang kamu mau. Cobalah untuk sepaham tentang hal ini. Sindiran halus tidak akan dimengerti. Sindiran kasar tak akan dimengerti Terang2an menyindir juga kita gak ngerti! Ngomong langsung kenapa!?

6. Ya dan Tidak adalah jawaban yang paling dapat diterima hampir semua pertanyaan. It’s Simple.!!

7. Cerita ke kami kalo mau masalah kamu diselesaikan. Karena itu yang kami lakukan. Pengen dapet simpati doang sih, cerita aja ke temen2 cewekmu.

8. Sakit kepala selama 17 bulan adalah penyakit. Pergi ke dokter sana !

9. Semua yang kami katakan 6 bulan lalu gak bisa dipertimbangkan dalam suatu argumen. Sebenernya, semua komentar jadi gak berlaku dan batal setelah 7 hari.
Janji kami untuk menyebrangi lautan dan mendaki gunung itu hanyalah klise, jangan dianggap serius.

10. Kalo kamu gak mau pake baju kayak model2 pakaian dalam, jangan harap kita seperti artis sinetron dong.

11. Kalo kamu pikir kamu gendut, mungkin aja. Jangan tanya kami dong. Cermin lebih jujur daripada Lelaki.

12. Kamu boleh meminta kami untuk melakukan sesuatu atau menyuruh kami menyelesaikannya dengan cara kamu. Tapi jangan dua2nya dong. Kalo kamu pikir bisa melakukannya lebih baik, kerjain aja sendiri.

13. Kalau bisa, ngomongin apa yang harus kamu omongin pas iklan aja. Ingat, jangan sekali2 ngomong apalagi pas saat tendangan pinalty.

14. Kami bukan anak kecil lagi, jadi tak perlu mengingatkan jangan lupa makan, selamat tidur, dll.
Menurut kami itu hanyalah pemborosan pulsa saja.

15. Kalo gatel kan bisa digaruk sendiri. Kami juga kok.

16. Kalo kami nanya ada apa dan kamu jawab gak ada apa2, kami akan berpikir memang gak ada apa2. Ingat, seperti no.1 kami bukanlah pembaca
pikiran. Ngomong baby…ngomong. …!!

17. Kalo kita berdua harus pergi ke suatu tempat, pakaian apapun yang kamu pakai, pantes aja kok. Bener. Jadi tidak ada alasan gak mau pergi ke pesta karena tidak ada baju.

18. Jangan tanya apa yang kami pikir tentang sesuatu kecuali kamu memang mau diskusi tentang bola, game, billyard, memancing atau mungkin juga ttg teknik mereparasi mobil.

19. Kami malas berdebat secara hati dan perasaan, ingat!! kami hanya pakai logika.

20. Terima kasih sudah mau baca ini. Iya, aku akan tidur di sofa nanti malam.


HI THE WOMEN WE LOVE, HEART WE LISTEN SCREAMS AS MEN ARE JUST KERAP hearts and stuck STORED IN THROAT SENSE BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU ... WITH THIS IN OUR HEARTS WE shed SCREAMS FOR YOU UNDERSTAND:1. Not all men were like Dedy Cobuzer (Magician Indonesia).So do hope we can read the contents of your mind when you pouted silently. So what the hell says: "I Laper, I'm dibeliin clothing, please consoled I ... !!"
2. On Sunday it was time for a break after 6 days of work, so do not expect we would accompany a day of a trip to the mall.
3. Shopping is NOT a sport. And we're not going to think that way. For us shopping shopping yes, if it fits so buy it, the price difference stores A and Bonly 1,000 silver so do not have to sightseeing to find the most inexpensive, waste gasoline wrote.
4. Crying is a squeeze. Better we heard the sound of thunder, thunder, bombs explode rather than crying sound that makes us could not do anything about it.
5. Ask what you want. Try to agree on this. Subtle innuendo will not be understood. Coarse satire would not understand the obvious quip also we do not understand! By directly why !?
6. Yes and No is the most acceptable answer almost all questions. It's Simple. !!
7. story to us if you want your problem solved. Because that's what we did. Want dapet doang sympathy anyway, the story wrote to your girl friends.
8. Headache for 17 months is a disease. Go to the doctor there!
9. All we said 6 months ago can not be considered in an argument. Actually, all comments become null and void not after 7 days.Our promise to cross the ocean and mountain climbing is just a cliché, do not be taken seriously.
10. If you do not want to use clothes like underwear models, do not expect us like a soap opera actress dong.
11. If you think you're fat, probably wrote. Do not ask us dong. The mirror is more honest than the man.
12. You may ask us to do something or tell us how to solve it with you. But do dua2nya dong. If you think you can do better, kerjain wrote himself.
13. If possible, say what you have to fit the ad omongin wrote. Remember, do not ever say especially fitting when pinalty kick.
14. We are not a kid anymore, so no need to remind do not forget to eat, sleep safely, etc.We think it is just a waste of pulses only.
15. If gatel could have scratched himself. We also really.
16. If there is anything we Nanya and you answer there is not anything, we would think it is not nothing. Remember, as we are not a reader no.1mind. By the way baby .... ... !!
17. If we both had to go somewhere, whatever clothes you wear, pantes wrote really. Bener. So there is no reason not want to go to the party because no clothes.
18. Do not ask what we think about something unless you really want a discussion of the ball, games, pool, fishing or maybe also ttg car repair techniques.
19. We argue lazy heart and feelings, remember !! we just use logic.
20. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I would sleep on the couch tonight.

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