Keharuman nama dan ragam jenis kopi Indonesia sudah tersohor ke penjuru dunia. Kopi asli dalam negeri mampu menyedot perhatian pengunjung di berbagai pameran berskala internasional, salah satunya di Davos dalam penyelenggaraan Indonesia Night, Forum Ekonomi Dunia (World Economic Forum/WEF).
Dirjen Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional Kementerian Perdagangan, Nus Nuzulia Ishak mengatakan, Indonesia Night 2016 diselenggarakan menggunakan konsep pasar malam untuk menampilkan berbagai kreasi kegiatan.
Aneka makanan khas dan hiburan tradisional Indonesia akan disajikan kepada ratusan pengunjung mulai dari pimpinan pemerintahan sampai CEO perusahaan multinasional di dunia. Ajang ini juga dimanfaatkan untuk memperkuat merek nasional (national branding), seperti produk kopi.
"Produk kopi kita memang sudah dikenal masyarakat dunia, karena punya daya saing yang bagus. Harga kopi kita naik terus, sekarang saja sudah US$ 300 per ton," ujar dia.
Pemerintah, sambung Nus, gencar mempromosikan produk kopi Indonesia ke seluruh dunia. Pasar ekspor utama RI berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) menyasar negara Jepang, Singapura, Malaysia, india, Mesir, Maroko, Aljazair, Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Jerman, Italia, Rumania, Georgia, dan lainnya.
"Kita promosikan jenis-jenis kopi arabika yang sudah terkenal. Bahkan beberapa negara sudah menggunakan kopi kita, tapi pakai nama atau merek mereka," tutur dia.
Senada, Ketua Asosiasi Kopi Spesial Indonesia Leman Pahlevi membeberkan alasan kopi dalam negeri layak menjadi nomor wahid di dunia, salah satunya karena Indonesia mempunyai kopi arabika yang sudah melanglang buana ke banyak negara.
"Indonesia punya kopi Arabika yang sudah terkenal di dunia internasional, seperti Arabika Gayo dari Aceh, Arabika Mandheling dari Tapanuli Selatan, Arabika Kalosi dari Tanah toraja, Arabika Flores dari Flores, Arabika Bali dari Bali, dan ada yang baru Arabika Jawa Barat," terang Leman.
Seperti diketahui, Indonesia memiliki kopi termahal di dunia, yakni kopi luwak. Kopi luwak asal Indonesia menempatkan posisi pertama dari daftar kopi termahal di dunia dari
Biji luwak kopi didapatkan dari kotoran hewan luwak yang suka memakan biji kopi.
Dibanderol dengan harga US$ 150 atau Rp 2,08 juta per 500 gram, kopi ini memiliki rasa yang enak, unik dan aroma yang harum. Tidak hanya di Indonesia, di Amerika Serikat juga ada kedai yang menyediakan kopi luwak.
Indonesia Decent coffee Sitting at the International Event
The fragrance name and diverse types of Indonesian coffee is famous all over the world. Native coffee in the country is able to suck up the attention of visitors at various international exhibitions, one at Davos in the Indonesia Night, the World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum / WEF).
Director General of National Export Development Ministry of Trade, Nus Nuzulia Ishak said, Indonesia Night 2016 organized using the concept of a night market to display a variety of creative activities.
Specialties and traditional Indonesian entertainment will be presented to hundreds of visitors ranging from government leaders to CEOs of multinational companies in the world. The event is also used to strengthen the national brand (national branding), such as coffee products.
"The coffee products we are already known to the public world, because it has a good competitiveness, our coffee prices continue to rise, now alone was US $ 300 per ton," he said.
Government, continued Nus, heavily promoting Indonesian coffee products to the whole world. The main export markets of Indonesia based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) targeting Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, Romania, Georgia, and others.
"We are promoting the kinds of arabica coffee is well known. In fact, some countries already use our coffee, but the use of their name or brand," he said.
Likewise, Chairman of the Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia Leman Pahlavi disclose the reasons domestic coffee deserves to be number one in the world, partly because Indonesia has a arabica coffee has crossed the globe to many countries.
"Indonesia has Arabica coffee that is already well known internationally, such as Arabica Gayo of Aceh, Arabica Mandheling of South Tapanuli, Arabica Kalosi from Tanah Toraja, Arabica Flores Flores, Arabica Bali from Bali, and there is a new Arabica West Java," said Leman.
As is known, Indonesia has the most expensive coffee in the world, the civet coffee. Kopi Luwak from Indonesia put the first position on the list of most expensive coffee in the world of
Luwak coffee beans come from animal waste mongoose who like to eat beans.
Priced at US $ 150 or US $ 2.08 million per 500 gram, this coffee tastes good, unique and fragrant. Not only in Indonesia, in the United States there is also a shop that provides civet coffee.
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