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Misi India ke Mars menghabiskan biaya termurah dibandingkan misi yang sama |
Misi India ke Mars menghabiskan biaya termurah dibandingkan misi yang sama
India sukses menempatkan satelit di dalam orbit di sekeliling Mars dalam upaya pertama.
Satelit robotik Mangalyaan tiba pada Rabu (24/09) pagi setelah melakukan perjalanan selama 10 bulan dari Bumi.
Mangalyaan diluncurkan dari landasan di Sriharikota, Bengal pada 5 Novembar 2013.
Sebuah mesin terbakar selama 24 menit yang membuat satelt terbang perlahan sehingga dapat tertangkap gravitasi Mars.
Menteri Narendra Modi, yang berada di pusat kontrol misi di selatan
kota Bangalore, mengatakan India telah meraih sesuatu " yang hampir
"Hambatan yang dialami oleh kami adalah dari 51 misi di dunia hanya 21 yang sukses. Kami telah melakukannya," kata dia.
AS, Eropa dan Rusia yang sebelumnya telah mengirimkan misi ke Mars.
Satelit terakhir AS, Maven, tiba di Mars pada Senin (22/09).
Badan Angkasa AS Nasa memberikan selamat kepada India atas kesuksesannya melalui Twitter.
"Kami mengucapkan selamat @ISRO telah tiba di Mars! @MarsOrbiter bergabung dalam misi mempelajari Planet Merah," kicau Nasa.
biaya misi India ke Mars itu mencapai 4,5 milliar rupees atau Rp 883
milliar, yang menjadi misi antar planet yang termurah.
Indian Mission to Mars lowest cost compared to the same mission
India successfully put a satellite in orbit around Mars in the first attempt.
Mangalyaan robotic satellite arrived on Wednesday (9.24) in the morning after traveling for 10 months from the Earth.
Mangalyaan launched from the runway at Sriharikota, Bengal at 5 Novembar 2013.
A fire engine for 24 minutes which makes satelt fly slowly so it can be caught gravity of Mars.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was in the mission control center in the southern city of Bangalore, said India has achieved something "almost impossible".
"Barriers experienced by us is of 51 missions in the world only 21 were successful. We have to do it," he said.
Only the United States, Europe and Russia that previously has sent missions to Mars. The last US satellite, Maven, arrived at Mars on Monday (22/09).
United States Space Agency NASA congratulates India on its success through Twitter.
"We congratulateISRO has arrived on Mars!MarsOrbiter Join in the mission to study the Red Planet," Nasa chirping.
The total cost of the Indian mission to Mars was at 4.5 billion rupees or USD 883 billion, which became the cheapest interplanetary missions.
India successfully put a satellite in orbit around Mars in the first attempt.
Mangalyaan robotic satellite arrived on Wednesday (9.24) in the morning after traveling for 10 months from the Earth.
Mangalyaan launched from the runway at Sriharikota, Bengal at 5 Novembar 2013.
A fire engine for 24 minutes which makes satelt fly slowly so it can be caught gravity of Mars.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was in the mission control center in the southern city of Bangalore, said India has achieved something "almost impossible".
"Barriers experienced by us is of 51 missions in the world only 21 were successful. We have to do it," he said.
Only the United States, Europe and Russia that previously has sent missions to Mars. The last US satellite, Maven, arrived at Mars on Monday (22/09).
United States Space Agency NASA congratulates India on its success through Twitter.
"We congratulateISRO has arrived on Mars!MarsOrbiter Join in the mission to study the Red Planet," Nasa chirping.
The total cost of the Indian mission to Mars was at 4.5 billion rupees or USD 883 billion, which became the cheapest interplanetary missions.
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