Taj Mahal dibangun karena rasa bersalah? - Taj Mahal was built by guilt?

Istana marmer putih Taj Mahal kerap disebut sebagai salah satu keajaiban dunia.
Bangunan itu didirikan oleh Kaisar Mughal Shah Jahan sebagai mausoleum untuk istri tercintanya, Mumtaz Mahal, yang meninggal dunia saat melahirkan.
Tetapi sebuah drama yang baru saja dipentaskan di India mengindikasikan bahwa ada motif lain di balik pembangunan Taj Mahal.
Mungkinkah gedung itu dibangun karena rasa bersalah?
"Konflik adalah pendorong dalam naskah saya," kata Dilip Hiro, seorang penulis dan pakar hubungan internasional berbasis di London, kepada BBC.
Dalam kisah Taj Mahal, Hiro mengeksplorasi "konflik pada pasangan yang cintanya terukir sebagai sebuah kisah populer."
"Sebagai orang India, saya terkesima oleh Taj. Kisah konvensional di belakangnya adalah cinta abadi Shah Jahan untuk Mumtaz.
"Secara sederhana, ini bukan drama tentang kecantikannya, drama ini adalah bagaimana meraih kekuasaan penuh sebagai kaisar."
Hiro pertama kali menulis naskah drama Taj Mahal dalam bahasa Inggris pada 1970-an dengan judul Tale of Taj.
Drama ini pertama kali dipentaskan untuk pertama kalinya dalam bahasa Urdu, sebuah bahasa yang digunakan rakyat India di masa pemerintahan Shah Jahan dan masih digunakan oleh banyak orang India saat ini.
Taj Mahal dibangun oleh kaisar Mughal Shah Jahan untuk istrinya Mumtaz Mahal

Pecatur hebat

Mumtaz adalah istri ketiga dan istri yang paling disayang Shah Jahan sehingga kisah cinta mereka menjadi legenda.
Mumtaz digambarkan sebagai istri yang cantik dan setia dan rela memiliki banyak anak dengan suaminya. Ia meninggal saat melahirkan anak ke-14.
"Tapi ada sisi lain yang tidak banyak diketahui, ia bukan istri yang cantik dan setia sama sekali. Ia adalah pecatur yang sangat hebat, jauh lebih hebat dari Shah Jahan, dan dia ambisius serta kejam," kata sutradara M Sayeed Alam dari kelompok teater Delhi Pierrot's Troupe.
Para ahli sejarah setuju bahwa perempuan-perempuan kerajaan pada periode Mughal menerapkan otoritas politik yang signifikan.
Kejutan dari drama ini berpusat pada permainan catur dengan taruhan tinggi.
Mumtaz meninggal di pelukan suaminya
Saat itu, Mumtaz yang sedang hamil tua menantang suaminya untuk mempertaruhkan takhtanya. Dan ketika sang kaisar kalah, ia pun naik takhta dan mewujudkan ambisinya yang kejam.
Sang kaisar menyadari bahwa ratunya harus dihentikan. Pertengkaran memperebutkan cap kerajaan berakhir dengan jatuhnya Mumtaz dari takhta dan meninggal saat melahirkan.
Namun apakah itu hanya sebuah kecelakaan atau apakah ia didorong?
Drama ini tidak memberikan jawaban pasti bagaimana Mumtaz tewas. Tetapi penonton pergi dengan membawa satu kecurigaan, bahwa mungkin Kaisar Shah Jahan berperan dalam kematiannya.
Jadi, apakah Taj Mahal benar monumen untuk cinta atau monumen untuk pembunuhan?


Taj Mahal white marble palace is often referred to as one of the wonders of the world.

Taj Mahal white marble palace is often referred to as one of the wonders of the world.

The building was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth.

But that is just a drama staged in India indicates that there is another motive behind the construction of Taj Mahal.

Could the building was constructed by guilt?

"Conflict is a driving force in my script," said Dilip Hiro, an author and international relations expert based in London, told the BBC.

Taj Mahal white marble palace is often referred to as one of the wonders of the world.

The building was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth.

But that is just a drama staged in India indicates that there is another motive behind the construction of Taj Mahal.

Could the building was constructed by guilt?

"Conflict is a driving force in my script," said Dilip Hiro, an author and international relations expert based in London, told the BBC.

In the story of the Taj Mahal, Hiro explores the "conflict in couples who love engraved as a popular story."

"As an Indian, I was struck by the Taj. Conventional story is behind it is the eternal love of Shah Jahan for Mumtaz.

"Simply put, this is not a play about her beauty, this drama is how to achieve full power as emperor."

Hiro first playwriting Taj Mahal in English in 1970 under the title Tale of the Taj.

The drama was first staged for the first time in Urdu, a language spoken in the Indian people during the reign of Shah Jahan and is still used by many Indians today.
Taj Mahal was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his wife Mumtaz Mahal
great chess players

Mumtaz was the third wife and the most loved wife of Shah Jahan so their love story became legend.

Mumtaz is described as a beautiful wife and a loyal and willing to have more children with her ​​husband. She died giving birth to 14th child.

"But there is another side that is not widely known, he was not a beautiful wife and loyal at all. He is a very great chess players, far more powerful than Shah Jahan, and she was ambitious and cruel," says director M Sayeed Alam of Delhi theater group Pierrot's Troupe.

Historians agree that the women in the royal Mughal period applying significant political authority.

The shock of this drama centered on a high-stakes chess game.
Mumtaz died in the arms of her husband

At that time, Mumtaz who was pregnant challenged him for risking his throne. And when the emperor lost, he realize his ambition to ascend the throne and cruel.

The emperor realized that the queen must be stopped. Quarrel fight ended with the fall of the royal stamp of Mumtaz throne and died in childbirth.

But if it was just an accident or if he was pushed?

This drama does not give a definitive answer how Mumtaz died. But the audience left with a suspicion, that the Emperor Shah Jahan may play a role in his death.

So, whether true Taj Mahal monument to love or monument to murder?
In the story of the Taj Mahal, Hiro explores the "conflict in couples who love engraved as a popular story."

"As an Indian, I was struck by the Taj. Conventional story is behind it is the eternal love of Shah Jahan for Mumtaz.

"Simply put, this is not a play about her beauty, this drama is how to achieve full power as emperor."

Hiro first playwriting Taj Mahal in English in 1970 under the title Tale of the Taj.

The drama was first staged for the first time in Urdu, a language spoken in the Indian people during the reign of Shah Jahan and is still used by many Indians today.
Taj Mahal was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his wife Mumtaz Mahal
great chess players

Mumtaz was the third wife and the most loved wife of Shah Jahan so their love story became legend.

Mumtaz is described as a beautiful wife and a loyal and willing to have more children with her ​​husband. She died giving birth to 14th child.

"But there is another side that is not widely known, he was not a beautiful wife and loyal at all. He is a very great chess players, far more powerful than Shah Jahan, and she was ambitious and cruel," says director M Sayeed Alam of Delhi theater group Pierrot's Troupe.

Historians agree that the women in the royal Mughal period applying significant political authority.

The shock of this drama centered on a high-stakes chess game.
Mumtaz died in the arms of her husband

At that time, Mumtaz who was pregnant challenged him for risking his throne. And when the emperor lost, he realize his ambition to ascend the throne and cruel.

The emperor realized that the queen must be stopped. Quarrel fight ended with the fall of the royal stamp of Mumtaz throne and died in childbirth.

But if it was just an accident or if he was pushed?

This drama does not give a definitive answer how Mumtaz died. But the audience left with a suspicion, that the Emperor Shah Jahan may play a role in his death.

So, whether true Taj Mahal monument to love or monument to murder?
The building was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth.

But that is just a drama staged in India indicates that there is another motive behind the construction of Taj Mahal.

Could the building was constructed by guilt?

"Conflict is a driving force in my script," said Dilip Hiro, an author and international relations expert based in London, told the BBC.

In the story of the Taj Mahal, Hiro explores the "conflict in couples who love engraved as a popular story."

"As an Indian, I was struck by the Taj. Conventional story is behind it is the eternal love of Shah Jahan for Mumtaz.

"Simply put, this is not a play about her beauty, this drama is how to achieve full power as emperor."

Hiro first playwriting Taj Mahal in English in 1970 under the title Tale of the Taj.

The drama was first staged for the first time in Urdu, a language spoken in the Indian people during the reign of Shah Jahan and is still used by many Indians today.
Taj Mahal was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his wife Mumtaz Mahal
great chess players

Mumtaz was the third wife and the most loved wife of Shah Jahan so their love story became legend.

Mumtaz is described as a beautiful wife and a loyal and willing to have more children with her ​​husband. She died giving birth to 14th child.

"But there is another side that is not widely known, he was not a beautiful wife and loyal at all. He is a very great chess players, far more powerful than Shah Jahan, and she was ambitious and cruel," says director M Sayeed Alam of Delhi theater group Pierrot's Troupe.

Historians agree that the women in the royal Mughal period applying significant political authority.

The shock of this drama centered on a high-stakes chess game.
Mumtaz died in the arms of her husband

At that time, Mumtaz who was pregnant challenged him for risking his throne. And when the emperor lost, he realize his ambition to ascend the throne and cruel.

The emperor realized that the queen must be stopped. Quarrel fight ended with the fall of the royal stamp of Mumtaz throne and died in childbirth.

But if it was just an accident or if he was pushed?

This drama does not give a definitive answer how Mumtaz died. But the audience left with a suspicion, that the Emperor Shah Jahan may play a role in his death.

So, whether true Taj Mahal monument to love or monument to murder?

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