7 Januari 2014
Para ilmuwan menemukan bukti awal yang menunjukkan gigi keropos pada manusia sudah terjadi sejak zaman batu.
Peneliti menemukan bukti tersebut dari tengkorak
pemburu yang hidup pada zaman batu dan tinggal di kawasan yang sekarang
menjadi Meksiko.Mereka hidup pada zaman batu lebih dari 13.700 tahun-15.000 tahun lalu.
Buruknya kesehatan gigi mereka menunjukkan mereka sering kesakitan.
"Pada saat tertentu, syaraf gigi tidak pernah mati dan mereka kesakitan sekali apalagi bila bengkak,@ kata Dr Louse Humprey dari museum Natural History di London.
Kesehatan gigi menjadi semakin buruk saat manusia mulai beralih ke masyarakat pertanian dengan konsumsi lebih banyak karbohidrat.
Para ilmuwan melakukan penelitian tentang kesehatan gigi 52 tengkorak yang ditemukan di Grotte des Pigeons di Taforalt, Moroko timur selama lebih dari 10 tahun.
Tengkorak itu menunjukken gigi keropos sekitar setengah dari keseluruhan jumlah gigi.
Selain kesakitan akibat gigi keropos dan bengkak, masalah gigi ini juga menyebabkan bau mulut ekstrem.
January 7, 2014gear
The scientists examined the human skull that lived about 13,700 years ago .
Scientists discovered early evidence that suggests tooth loss in humans have occurred since the stone age .
The researchers found evidence of skull hunters who live in the stone age and live in the area that is now Mexico .
In a report in the journal PNAS , the researchers say the hunter was a lot of eating nuts are high carbohydrate .
They live in the stone age over 13,700 years 15,000 years ago .
The poor health of their teeth indicate they are often in pain .
" At a certain moment , the tooth nerve to die and they never once pain especially when swollen , @ said Dr. Louse Humphrey of the Natural History museum in London .
Dental health became worse when people started switching to the agricultural community with a higher intake of carbohydrates .
The scientists conducting research on dental health 52 skulls were found in the Grotte des Pigeons at Taforalt , eastern Morocco for more than 10 years .
The skull was menunjukken brittle teeth about half of the total number of teeth .
In addition to pain and swelling due to tooth loss , dental problems also cause extreme bad breath .
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