6 Februari 2014
Dennis Aabo bisa merasakan bentuk dan kekerasan obyek yang dipegangnya
Seorang pria Denmark menjadi
orang pertama yang memiliki tangan bionik dan ia bisa merasakan sensasi
hidup dari jemari bioniknya.
Dennis Aabo yang kehilangan tangan kirinya dalam
kecelakaan akibat petasan sepuluh tahun lalu mengatakan tangan barunya
“luar biasa.”Rincian operasi bionik pertama di dunia itu diterbitkan di jurnal Science Translational Medicine.
Tim internasional yang melaksanakan proyek riset itu, meliputi pakar dari Italia, Swiss dan Jerman.“Ini adalah pertama kalinya seorang yang kehilangan organ tubuh bisa merasakan sensasi sentuhan dari alat prostetik,” kata Prof Silvestro Micera dari Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne dan Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa.
Kemajuan teknologi di sini bukanlah tangan itu sendiri,tapi elektronik dan perangkat lunak yang memungkinkannya memberikan masukan sensor ke otak.
Micera dan timnya menambahkan sensor ke tangan buatan agar bisa mendeteksi dan mengukur informasi tentang sentuhan.
Aabo menjalani berbagai tes selama satu bulan
Aboo, 36, seorang pengembang property, menjalani tes laboratorium selama satu bulan.Ia mengatakan, “Perbedaan terbesar adalah ketika saya memegang sesuatu, saya bisa merasakan apa yang saya lakukan tanpa melihat. Saya bisa menggunakan tangan saya di kegelapan.
Tangan bionik ini masih dalam tahap awal dan peraturan keselamatan terhadap eksperimen klinis, maka Aabo harus menjalani operasi kedua untuk mengangkat sensor tersebut.
“Ia adalah seorang pahlawan,” kata Prof Paolo Rossini, ahli syaraf dari University Hospital Agostino Gemelli, Roma.
“Ia memberi satu bulan hidupnya dan menjalani dua operasi untuk menguji alat ini.
“Kami sangat berterimakasih kepada Dennis Aabo.”
February 6, 2014bionic hand
Dennis Aabo could feel the shape of the object in his hand and violence
A man Denmark became the first to have a bionic arm and he could feel the sensation of life bionic fingers .
Dennis Aabo who lost his left hand in an accident due to firecrackers ten years ago, said the hands of his new " incredible . "
In laboratory tests , he could tell the shape and hardness of objects which he held , although his eyes closed .
Details of the world's first bionic surgery was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine .breakthrough
The international team conducting the research project , includes experts from Italy , Switzerland and Germany .
" This is the first time that a loss of the organ can feel the sensation of touch of prosthetic devices , " said Prof. Silvestro Micera of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne and the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna , Pisa .
Advances in technology here is not the hand itself , but the electronics and software that enable sensors provide input to the brain .
Micera and his team add to the hand -made sensors that can detect and quantify information about touch .bionic hand
Aabo undergo various tests for a monthhero
Aboo , 36 , a property developer , undergo laboratory tests for one month .
He said , " The biggest difference is when I hold something , I can feel what I'm doing without notice . I can use my hands in the darkness .
The bionic hand is still in its early stages and safety regulations for clinical experimentation , then Aabo had to undergo a second surgery to remove the sensor .
" He is a hero , " said Prof. Paolo Rossini , a neurologist at the University Hospital Agostino Gemelli , Rome .
" He gave his life one month and underwent two operations to test this tool .
" We are very grateful to Dennis Aabo . "
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