Dalam postingan sebelumnya blog ini sudah menampilkan Gambar Kamasutra - Posisi Hubungan Intim Suami Isteri.
Lalu bagaimana cara berhubungan intim dalam ajaran Islam? Ada aturan
aturan saat pasangan suami isteri hendak melakukan senggama atau
hubungan intim atau bersetubuh. Menjadi pasangan pengantin baru
merupakan kebahagian tersendiri bagi kedua mempelai. Rasa bahagia itu
begitu menyentuh qalbu yang paling dalam, hati seakan tak mampu
menampung rasa bahagia yang telah meluap memenuhi relung hati. Namun
begitu, kebahagian menjadi pengantin baru akan terasa lebih sempurna
tatkala telah melewati kebersamaan dimalam pertama dengan penuh cinta.
Malam dimana seseorang bisa menyalurkan hasratnya saat Bercinta
melalui jalan yang diridhai Allah. Sehingga, dengannya tak sekedar
kenikmatan yang diperoleh tapi juga pahala dapat diraih. Nilai pahala
akan lebih bertambah seiring bertambahnya rasa kasih dan sayang antara
kedua mempelai manakala berhias dengan adab-adab saat menuju peraduan
cinta, sebagaimana yang dituntunkan Nabi shallallahu a’laihi wasallam
sebagai pembawa syariat Islam yang sempurna.
Diantara adab-adab cara bersetubuh dalam islam adalah sebagai berikut :
Sebelum bermalam pertama, sangat disukai untuk memperindah diri masing-masing dengan berhias, memakai wewangian, serta bersiwak.
Berdasarkan sebuah hadits dari Asma’ binti Yasid radhiyallaahu ‘anha ia
menuturkan, “Aku merias Aisyah untuk Rasulullah shallallahu a’laihi
wasallam. Setelah selesai, aku pun memanggil Rasulullah shallallahu
‘alaihi wasallam. Beliau pun duduk di sisi Aisyah. Kemudian diberikan
kepada beliau segelas susu. Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam
meminum susu tersebut dan menyerahkannya pada Aisyah. Aisyah menundukkan
kepalanya karena malu. Maka segeralah aku menyuruhnya untuk mengambil
gelas tersebut dari Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam.” [HR Ahmad,
sanad hadits ini dikuatkan oleh Al-Allamah Al-Muhadits Al-Albani dalam
Adabul Zifaf].
Adapun disunnahkannya bersiwak, karena adab yang dicontohkan oleh
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bahwa beliau selalu bersiwak
setiap setiap hendak masuk rumah sebagaimana disebutkan oleh Aisyah
radhiyallaahu ‘anha dalam Shahih Muslim. Selain itu akan sangat baik
pula jika disertai dengan mempercantik kamar pengantin sehingga menjadi
sempurnalah sebab-sebab yang memunculkan kecintaan dan suasana romantis
pada saat itu.
Hendaknya suami meletakkan tangannya pada ubun-ubun istrinya seraya
mendoakan kebaikan dengan doa yang Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi
wasallam ajarkan :
اللّهمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ خَيْرِهَا وَخَيْرِ مَا جَبَلْتَهَا
عَلَيْهِ وَأَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّهَا وَشَرِّ مَا جَبَلْتَهَا عَلَيْهِ
“Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon kepada-Mu dari kebaikannya (istri)
dan kebaikan tabiatnya, dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari kejelekannya
dan kejelekan tabiatnya.”[HR. Bukhari dari sahabat Abdullah bin Amr bin
Al Ash radhiyallaahu 'anhu].
Disunnahkan bagi keduanya untuk melakukan shalat dua rakaat
bersama-sama. Syaikh Al Albani dalam Adabuz Zifaf menyebutkan dua atsar
yang salah satunya diriwayatkan oleh Abu Bakr Ibnu Abi Syaiban dalam
Al-Mushannaf dari sahabat Abu Sa’id, bekat budak sahabat Abu Usaid,
beliau mengisahkan bahwa semasa masih menjadi budak ia pernah
melangsungkan pernikahan. Ia mengundang beberapa sahabat Rasulullah
shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, diantaranya Abdullah bin Mas’ud, Abu
Dzarr, dan Hudzaifah.
Abu Sa’id mengatakan, “Mereka pun membimbingku, mengatakan, ‘Apabila
istrimu masuk menemuimu maka shalatlah dua rakaat. Mintalah perlindungan
kepada Allah dan berlindunglah kepada-Nya dari kejelekan istrimu.
Setelah itu urusannya terserah engkau dan istrimu. “Dalam riwayat Atsar
yang lain Abdullah bin Mas’ud radhiyallaahu ‘anhu mengatakan,
perintahkan isrtimu shalat dibelakangmu.”
Ketika menjumpai istri, hendaknya seorang suami berprilaku santun kepada
istrinya semisal dengan memberikan segelas minuman atau yang lainnya
sebagimana dalam hadits di atas, bisa juga dengan menyerahkan maharnya.
Selain itu hendaknya si suami untuk bertutur kata yang lembut yang
menggambarkan kebahagiaannya atas pernikahan ini. Sehingga hilanglah
perasaan cemas, takut, atau asing yang menghinggapi hati istrinya.
Dengan kelembutan dalam ucapan dan perbuatan akan bersemi keakraban da
keharmonisan di antara keduanya.
Apabila seorang suami ingin menggauli istrinya, janganlah ia
terburu-buru sampai keadaan istrinya benar-benar siap, baik secara
fisik, maupun secara psikis, yaitu istri sudah sepenuhnya menerima
keberadaan suami sebagai bagian dari dirinya, bukan orang lain. Begitu
pula ketika suami telah menyelesaikan hajatnya, jangan pula dirinya
terburu-buru meninggalkan istrinya sampai terpenuhi hajat istrinya.
Artinya, seorang suami harus memperhatikan keadaan, perasaan, dan
keinginan istri. Kebahagian yang hendak ia raih, ia upayakan pula bisa
dirasakan oleh istrinya.
Bagi suami yang akan menjima’i istri hanya diperbolehkan ketika istri
hanya diperbolehkan ketika istri tidak dalam keadaan haid dan pada
tempatnya saja, yaitu kemaluan. Adapun arah dan caranya terserah yang
dia sukai. Allah berfirman yang artinya, “Mereka bertanya kepadamu
tentang haid. Katakanlah, “Haid itu adalah suatu kotoran.” Oleh sebab
itu hendaklah kalian menjauhi (tidak menjima’i) wanita diwaktu haid, dan
janganlah kalian mendekati (menjima’i) mereka, sebelum mereka suci.
Apabila mereka telah suci, maka campurilah mereka itu pada tempat yang
diperintahkan Allah kepad kalian (kemaluan saja). Sesungguhnya Allah
menyukai orang-orang yang mensucikan diri. Istri-istri kalian adalah
(seperti) tanah tempat kalian bercocok tanam, maka datangilah tanah
tempat itu bagaimana saja kalian kehendaki. Dan kerjakanlah (amal yang
baik) untuk diri kalian, bertakwalah kepada Allah, ketahuilah bahwa
kalian kelak akan menemui-Nya. Dan berilah kabar gembira kepada
orang-orang yang beriman.” [Q.S. Al Baqarah: 222-223].
Ingat, diharamkan melalui dubur. Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam
bersabda yang artinya, “Barang siapa yang menggauli istrinya ketika
sedang haid atau melalui duburnya, maka ia telah kufur dengan apa yang
diturunkan kepada Muhammad.” [HR. Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidzi, dan yang
lainnya, dishahihkan oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Shahih Sunan Abu
Dawud]. Kata ‘kufur’ dalam hadits ini menunjukkan betapa besarnya dosa
orang yang melakukan hal ini. Meskipun, kata para ulama, ‘kufur’ yang
dimaksud dalam hadits ini adalah kufur kecil yang belum mengeluarkan
pelakunya dari Islam.
Telah kita ketahui bersama bahwa syaitan selalu menyertai, mengintai
untuk berusaha menjerumuskan Bani Adam dalam setiap keadaan. Begitu pula
saat jima’, kecuali apabila dia senantiasa berdzikir kepada Allah. Maka
hendaknya berdo’a sebelum melakukan jima’ agar hal tersebut menjadi
sebab kebaikan dan keberkahan. Do’a yang diajarkan adalah:
بِسْمِ اللهِ اللَّهُمَّ جَنِّبْنَا الشَّيْطَانَ وَجَنِّبِ الشَّيْطَانَ مَا رَزَقْتَنَا
“Dengan nama Allah. Ya Allah, jauhkanlah kami dari syaithan dan
jauhkanlah syaithan dari apa yang Engkau karuniakan kepada kami.”[HR.
Al-Bukhari dan Muslim dari sahabat Abdullah bin Abbas radhiyallaahu
'anhu]. Dalam hadits tersebut disebutkan bahwa seandainya Allah
mengkaruniakan anak, maka syaithan tidak akan bisa memudharati anak
tersebut. Al Qadhi menjelaskan maksudnya adalah syaithan tidak akan bias
mearsukinya. Sebagaimana dinukilkan dari Al Minhaj.
Diperbolehkan bagi suami dan istri untuk saling melihat aurat satu sama
lain. Diperbolehkan pula mandi bersama. Dari Aisyah radhiyallaahu ‘anha
berkata, “Aku pernah mandi bersama Rasulullah dalam satu bejana dan kami
berdua dalam keadaan junub.” [HR. Al Bukhari dan Muslim.]
Diwajibkan bagi suami istri yang telah bersenggama untuk mandi apabila
hendak shalat. Waktu mandi boleh ketika sebelum tidur atau setelah
tidur. Namun apabila dalam mengakhirkan mandi maka disunnahkan terlebih
dahulu wudhu sebelum tidur. Berdasarkan hadits Abdullah bin Qais, ia
berkata, “Aku pernah bertanya kepada Aisyah, ‘Apa yang dilakukan Nabi
ketika junub? Apakah beliau mandi sebelum tidur ataukah tidur sebelum
mandi?’ Aisyah menjawab, ‘Semua itu pernah dilakukan Rasulullah.
Terkadang beliau mandi dahulu kemudian tidur dan terkadang pula beliau
hanya wudhu kemudian tidur.”[HR. Ahmad dalam Al Musnad]
Tidak boleh menyebarkan rahasia ranjang. Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi
wasallam bersabda yang artinya, “Sesungguhnya diantara manusia yang
paling buruk kedudukannya di sisi Allah pada hari kiamat adalah
laki-laki yang mendatangi istrinya dan istrinya memberikan kepuasan
kepadanya, kemudian ia menyebarkan rahasianya.” [HR. Muslim dari sahabat
Abu Sa’id Al Khudri radhiyallaahu 'anhu]
Dari poin-poin yang telah dijelaskan nampaklah betapa agungnya
kesempurnaan syariat Islam dalam mengatur semua sisi kehidupan ini.
Sehingga pada setiap gerak hamba ada nilai ibadah yang bisa direngkuh
pahalanya. Tidak sekedar aktivitas rutin tanpa faedah, tak semua
pemenuhan kebutuhan tanpa hikmah. Oleh sebab itu tak ada yang sia-sia
dalam mengikuti aturan Ilahi dan meneladani sunnah Nabi. Semuanya
memiliki makna serta mengandung kemaslahatan, karena datangnya dari
Allah Dzat Yang Maha Tinggi Ilmu-Nya lagi Maha sempurna Hikmah-Nya. Maka
dari itu syariat yang Allah turunkan selaras dengan fitrah hamba-Nya
sebagai manusia, sebagimana disyariatkan pernikahan.
Kesempurnaan syariat Islam ini menunjukkan betapa besarnya perhatian
Allah terhadap hamba-Nya melebihi perhatian hamba terhadap dirinya
sendiri. Oleh karenanya, hendaklah setiap hamba tetap berada di atas
fitrah tersebut di atas agama allah agar dirinya selalu berada di atas
jalan yang lurus, “(Tetaplah di atas fitrah) yang Allahtelah menciptakan
manusia menurut fitrah itu.” [QS. Ar Rum: 30]. Allahu a’lam.
Dikutip dari Majalah Tashfiyyah Edisi 09 Vol. 01 1432 H-2011M
In the previous post of this blog already shows Figure Kamasutra - Intimate Relations Position Spouse . Then how do I have sex in Islam ? There are rules when the couple was about to engage in sexual intercourse or sexual intercourse or intercourse . Being a newlywed couple is its own happiness for the bride and groom . The
feeling of happiness was so touched the heart of the most deep, as if
the heart is not able to accommodate the feeling of happiness that has
overflowed meet the recesses of the heart . However, happiness becomes the new bride will feel perfectly at night when the first had passed together with love .Night where someone could channel his passion Making love through the streets when the blessed God . So that , with it not just the pleasure obtained but also the reward can be achieved . Reward value will be increased as we get a sense of love and affection
between the bride and groom when decorated with adab - adab when love
toward the contest , as the Prophet sallallaahu dituntunkan a'laihi
wasallam as carriers of Islamic law is perfect .Among adab - adab means intercourse in Islam are as follows :
Before the first overnight , heavily favored to beautify themselves each with ornate , wear fragrances , and cleansing his teeth .According to a hadeeth of Asma ' bint Yasid radhiyallaahu ' anha she said , " I'm putting on Ayesha to the Prophet sallallaahu a'laihi wasallam . Once completed , I was calling the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam . He was sitting on the side of Aisha . Then given to him a glass of milk . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam drank the milk and handed it to Aisha . Aisha bowed his head in shame . Then immediately I told him to take the glass of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam . " [ Reported by Ahmad , hadith sanad is corroborated by Al - Allama Al - Muhadits Al - Albani in Adabul Zifaf ] .As disunnahkannya cleansing his teeth , as exemplified by the manners of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam that he always wanted to get in cleansing his teeth every every home as mentioned by Aisha radhiyallaahu ' anha in Saheeh Muslim . In addition it would be very good also if accompanied by beautifying bridal chamber to become perfected the causes which led to a love and romantic atmosphere at that time .Husband should put his hands on his head crown goodness while praying with a prayer that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam taught :اللهم إني أسألك من خيرها وخير ما جبلتها عليه وأعوذ بك من شرها وشر ما جبلتها عليه" O Allah , verily I beg of Thee of kindness ( wife ) and the goodness of his nature , and I seek refuge in You from the ugliness and evil temperament. " [ HR . Bukhari from Abdullah ibn Amr ibn friend Al Ash radhiyallaahu ' anhu ] .Disunnahkan for both of them to do a pray two rak'ahs together . Shaykh Al-Albani in Adabuz Zifaf atsar mention two , one of which was narrated by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Al - Syaiban in Mushannaf of companions Abu Sa'eed , Abu Usaid bekat slave friend , he tells us that during the still become a slave he ever married . He invited a few friends of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam , including Abdullah ibn Mas'ud , Abu Dharr , and Hudzaifah .Abu Sa'id said , " They guide me , saying , ' If your wife go in to see the shalatlah two cycles . Ask God's protection and refuge in Him from the evil wife. After that his business is up to you and your wife . " In the history of other Atsar Abdullah bin Mas'ud radhiyallaahu ' anhu said , commanded isrtimu pray behind you . "When met his wife, a husband should behave in such manners to his wife by giving another drink or sebagimana in the above hadith , it could also hand over the dowry . In addition it should be the husband to speak gentle words that describe his happiness over this wedding . So goes the feelings of anxiety , fear , or foreigners who attacked her heart . With the softness in word and deed will blossom familiarity da harmony between them .If a husband wants to intercourse with his wife , he must not rush his wife to circumstances completely ready , both physically and psychologically , that his wife had fully accepted the existence of the husband as a part of himself , not others . Similarly, when the husband has completed his business , neither should he leave his wife rush to the lavatory met his wife . That is , a husband should pay attention to the situation, feelings , and desires a wife . Happiness that he wanted to achieve , he seeks also be felt by his wife .For the husband who will menjima'i wife is only allowed when the wife is only allowed when the wife is not in a state of menstruation and in its place , namely genitals . As for the direction and the way up to her liking . Allah says which means , " They ask you about menstruation . Say , " it was a dirt Menstruation . " Therefore let you away ( not menjima'i ) at a time when menstruating woman , and you do not approach ( menjima'i ) them , before they are holy . If they have sacred , then intercourse with them was the place God has commanded you kepad ( pubic only ) . Indeed, Allah loves those who purify themselves . Your wives are ( as ) the land where you grow crops , so go to the land where it just how you want . And serve ( good deeds ) for yourselves , keep your duty to Allah , know that you will meet Him someday . And give glad tidings to those who believe . " [ EMQ Al- Baqarah : 222-223 ] .Remember , forbidden through the rectum . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam said that it means , " He who intercourse with his wife when menstruating or through the anus , then he has Kufr with what was revealed to Muhammad . " [ HR . Abu Dawud , At- Tirmidhi , and others , classed as saheeh by Shaykh Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Dawud ] . The word ' kufr ' in this hadith shows what a great sin these people are doing . Although , the scholars said , ' Kufr ' referred to in this hadith is little that has not been issued Kufr perpetrators of Islam .We all know that the devil is always with , lurking to try to plunge the Children of Adam in every state . Similarly, when jima ' , but if he continues dhikr of Allah . So should pray before doing Jima ' that it is the cause of goodness and blessing . Benediction taught are :بسم الله اللهم جنبنا الشيطان وجنب الشيطان ما رزقتنا" In the name of Allah . O Allah , keep us from Shaytan and Shaytan take away from what You bestow to us . " [ HR . Al - Bukhari and Muslim from Abdullah ibn Abbas Companions radhiyallaahu ' anhu ] . In the hadith mentioned that if God mengkaruniakan child , then Shaytan will not be memudharati the child . Al Qadi describes the intention is Shaytan will not bias mearsukinya . As dinukilkan of Al Minhaj .Permissible for the husband and wife to each other see the nakedness of each other . Also allowed to shower together . From Aisha radhiyallaahu ' anha said , " I never showered with the Prophet in one vessel , and we were both in a state junub . " [ HR . Al- Bukhari and Muslim . ]Required for the husband and wife who have intercourse for a shower when about to pray . When bath time before bed may or after sleep . However, if in the bath mengakhirkan disunnahkan first ablution before going to bed . Based on the hadith of Abdullah bin Qais , he said , " I once asked A'isha , " What did the Prophet when junub ? Does he bathe before sleeping or sleep before bathing ? ' Aisha said, ' All that the Prophet never performed . Sometimes he went to sleep and shower beforehand anyway sometimes he just ablution then sleep . " [ HR . Ahmad in Al Musnad ]Should not disseminate confidential beds . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam said that it means , " Verily among the worst of men equal before Allah on the Day of Resurrection is a man who came to his wife and his wife gave him satisfaction , then he spread his secret . " [ HR . Muslim from Abu Sa'eed al Khudri friend radhiyallaahu ' anhu ]Of the points that have been described appeared how great perfection of Islamic law in regulating all sides of life. So at every move servants worship no value that can be enfolded reward . Not just a routine activity without avail , not all in vain fulfillment . Therefore no wasted in following the rules of the divine and emulate the sunnah of the Prophet . Everything has meaning and contains the benefit , because it comes from Allah Most High Essence of His knowledge , Most of His perfect wisdom . Thus the law is in harmony with the nature of God sent down His human servants , sebagimana prescribed marriage .Perfection of Islamic law shows how great God 's attention to his servant servant exceeding attention to itself . Therefore , let every servant remain above the aforementioned religious nature gods so that he always was on the straight path , " ( Keep on top of nature ) that Allahtelah created man in the nature . " [ EMQ . Ar Rum : 30 ] . God knows best .Quoted from Tashfiyyah Magazine Issue 09 Vol . 01 1432 H - 2011M
Before the first overnight , heavily favored to beautify themselves each with ornate , wear fragrances , and cleansing his teeth .According to a hadeeth of Asma ' bint Yasid radhiyallaahu ' anha she said , " I'm putting on Ayesha to the Prophet sallallaahu a'laihi wasallam . Once completed , I was calling the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam . He was sitting on the side of Aisha . Then given to him a glass of milk . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam drank the milk and handed it to Aisha . Aisha bowed his head in shame . Then immediately I told him to take the glass of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam . " [ Reported by Ahmad , hadith sanad is corroborated by Al - Allama Al - Muhadits Al - Albani in Adabul Zifaf ] .As disunnahkannya cleansing his teeth , as exemplified by the manners of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam that he always wanted to get in cleansing his teeth every every home as mentioned by Aisha radhiyallaahu ' anha in Saheeh Muslim . In addition it would be very good also if accompanied by beautifying bridal chamber to become perfected the causes which led to a love and romantic atmosphere at that time .Husband should put his hands on his head crown goodness while praying with a prayer that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam taught :اللهم إني أسألك من خيرها وخير ما جبلتها عليه وأعوذ بك من شرها وشر ما جبلتها عليه" O Allah , verily I beg of Thee of kindness ( wife ) and the goodness of his nature , and I seek refuge in You from the ugliness and evil temperament. " [ HR . Bukhari from Abdullah ibn Amr ibn friend Al Ash radhiyallaahu ' anhu ] .Disunnahkan for both of them to do a pray two rak'ahs together . Shaykh Al-Albani in Adabuz Zifaf atsar mention two , one of which was narrated by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Al - Syaiban in Mushannaf of companions Abu Sa'eed , Abu Usaid bekat slave friend , he tells us that during the still become a slave he ever married . He invited a few friends of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam , including Abdullah ibn Mas'ud , Abu Dharr , and Hudzaifah .Abu Sa'id said , " They guide me , saying , ' If your wife go in to see the shalatlah two cycles . Ask God's protection and refuge in Him from the evil wife. After that his business is up to you and your wife . " In the history of other Atsar Abdullah bin Mas'ud radhiyallaahu ' anhu said , commanded isrtimu pray behind you . "When met his wife, a husband should behave in such manners to his wife by giving another drink or sebagimana in the above hadith , it could also hand over the dowry . In addition it should be the husband to speak gentle words that describe his happiness over this wedding . So goes the feelings of anxiety , fear , or foreigners who attacked her heart . With the softness in word and deed will blossom familiarity da harmony between them .If a husband wants to intercourse with his wife , he must not rush his wife to circumstances completely ready , both physically and psychologically , that his wife had fully accepted the existence of the husband as a part of himself , not others . Similarly, when the husband has completed his business , neither should he leave his wife rush to the lavatory met his wife . That is , a husband should pay attention to the situation, feelings , and desires a wife . Happiness that he wanted to achieve , he seeks also be felt by his wife .For the husband who will menjima'i wife is only allowed when the wife is only allowed when the wife is not in a state of menstruation and in its place , namely genitals . As for the direction and the way up to her liking . Allah says which means , " They ask you about menstruation . Say , " it was a dirt Menstruation . " Therefore let you away ( not menjima'i ) at a time when menstruating woman , and you do not approach ( menjima'i ) them , before they are holy . If they have sacred , then intercourse with them was the place God has commanded you kepad ( pubic only ) . Indeed, Allah loves those who purify themselves . Your wives are ( as ) the land where you grow crops , so go to the land where it just how you want . And serve ( good deeds ) for yourselves , keep your duty to Allah , know that you will meet Him someday . And give glad tidings to those who believe . " [ EMQ Al- Baqarah : 222-223 ] .Remember , forbidden through the rectum . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam said that it means , " He who intercourse with his wife when menstruating or through the anus , then he has Kufr with what was revealed to Muhammad . " [ HR . Abu Dawud , At- Tirmidhi , and others , classed as saheeh by Shaykh Al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Abu Dawud ] . The word ' kufr ' in this hadith shows what a great sin these people are doing . Although , the scholars said , ' Kufr ' referred to in this hadith is little that has not been issued Kufr perpetrators of Islam .We all know that the devil is always with , lurking to try to plunge the Children of Adam in every state . Similarly, when jima ' , but if he continues dhikr of Allah . So should pray before doing Jima ' that it is the cause of goodness and blessing . Benediction taught are :بسم الله اللهم جنبنا الشيطان وجنب الشيطان ما رزقتنا" In the name of Allah . O Allah , keep us from Shaytan and Shaytan take away from what You bestow to us . " [ HR . Al - Bukhari and Muslim from Abdullah ibn Abbas Companions radhiyallaahu ' anhu ] . In the hadith mentioned that if God mengkaruniakan child , then Shaytan will not be memudharati the child . Al Qadi describes the intention is Shaytan will not bias mearsukinya . As dinukilkan of Al Minhaj .Permissible for the husband and wife to each other see the nakedness of each other . Also allowed to shower together . From Aisha radhiyallaahu ' anha said , " I never showered with the Prophet in one vessel , and we were both in a state junub . " [ HR . Al- Bukhari and Muslim . ]Required for the husband and wife who have intercourse for a shower when about to pray . When bath time before bed may or after sleep . However, if in the bath mengakhirkan disunnahkan first ablution before going to bed . Based on the hadith of Abdullah bin Qais , he said , " I once asked A'isha , " What did the Prophet when junub ? Does he bathe before sleeping or sleep before bathing ? ' Aisha said, ' All that the Prophet never performed . Sometimes he went to sleep and shower beforehand anyway sometimes he just ablution then sleep . " [ HR . Ahmad in Al Musnad ]Should not disseminate confidential beds . Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam said that it means , " Verily among the worst of men equal before Allah on the Day of Resurrection is a man who came to his wife and his wife gave him satisfaction , then he spread his secret . " [ HR . Muslim from Abu Sa'eed al Khudri friend radhiyallaahu ' anhu ]Of the points that have been described appeared how great perfection of Islamic law in regulating all sides of life. So at every move servants worship no value that can be enfolded reward . Not just a routine activity without avail , not all in vain fulfillment . Therefore no wasted in following the rules of the divine and emulate the sunnah of the Prophet . Everything has meaning and contains the benefit , because it comes from Allah Most High Essence of His knowledge , Most of His perfect wisdom . Thus the law is in harmony with the nature of God sent down His human servants , sebagimana prescribed marriage .Perfection of Islamic law shows how great God 's attention to his servant servant exceeding attention to itself . Therefore , let every servant remain above the aforementioned religious nature gods so that he always was on the straight path , " ( Keep on top of nature ) that Allahtelah created man in the nature . " [ EMQ . Ar Rum : 30 ] . God knows best .Quoted from Tashfiyyah Magazine Issue 09 Vol . 01 1432 H - 2011M
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