3 Maret 2014
Belut cusk tertangkap kamera di parit laut New Hebrides
Para ilmuwan mendapat gambar pertama kehidupan bawah air di salah satu laut terdalam di dunia.
Ekspedisi ke parit New Hebrides yang belum
pernah dieksplorasi sebelumnya di Lautan Pasifik berhasil mengungkap
belut jenis cusk dan hewan bercangkang di kedalaman 7.000m2, seperti
dilaporkan wartawan BBC Rebecca Morelle.
Tim ilmuan itu menggunakan sebuah wahana tak berawak yang dipasangi kamera untuk merekam mahluk-mahluk hidup di laut dalam.
Mereka mengatakan ekologi di parit laut itu berbeda dengan kawasan laut dalam lain yang telah diteliti sebelumnya.
"Kami mulai mengetahui bahwa apa yang terjadi di
satu parit laut, tidak berarti juga terjadi di semua parit lain," kata
Dr Alan Jamieson, dari Oceanlab di Universitas Aberdeen, Inggris, yang
melakukan ekspedisi itu dengan Institut Nasional Riset Perairan dan
Atmosfer di Selandia Baru.
Ada lebih dari 30 parit laut dalam di seluruh dunia, dan sebagian besar celah sempit lautan ini terdapat di Samudra Pasifik.
Hingga ekspedisi ini dilaksanakan, kedalaman
parit New Hebrides yang terletak 1.500km di utara Selandia Baru belum
pernah dieksplorasi sebelumnya.
Tim menggunakan kamera dengan umpan untuk menarik ikan
Belut cusk mudah beradaptasi dengan kedalaman apa saja
Belut gigi panah ini dibawa ke permukaan laut
March 3, 2014Portrait of Marine Life In The Deepest - Images of Life In The Deepest Sea
Cusk eel caught on camera in the New Hebrides trench
The scientists got the first images of underwater life in one of the deepest in the world .
Expedition to the New Hebrides trench that had never been explored before in the Pacific Ocean have uncovered cusk eels and shellfish types in depth 7.000m2 , such as the BBC's Rebecca Morelle reported .
The team of scientists using an unmanned vehicle that is fitted with a camera to record the living creatures in the deep sea .
They say that the ocean trench ecology in contrast to other areas in the sea that have been studied previously .
" We are beginning to recognize that what happens in one trench , does not mean also occurs in all other trenches , " said Dr Alan Jamieson , from Oceanlab at the University of Aberdeen , UK , who undertook an expedition with the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand .
There are more than 30 deep-sea trench around the world , and most of the ocean are narrow slits in the Pacific Ocean .
Until this expedition carried out , the New Hebrides trench depth is located 1.500km in northern New Zealand has never been explored before .The team used the camera with bait to attract fishCusk eel adaptable to any depth
Arrow tooth eel is brought to the surface of the sea
Cusk eel caught on camera in the New Hebrides trench
The scientists got the first images of underwater life in one of the deepest in the world .
Expedition to the New Hebrides trench that had never been explored before in the Pacific Ocean have uncovered cusk eels and shellfish types in depth 7.000m2 , such as the BBC's Rebecca Morelle reported .
The team of scientists using an unmanned vehicle that is fitted with a camera to record the living creatures in the deep sea .
They say that the ocean trench ecology in contrast to other areas in the sea that have been studied previously .
" We are beginning to recognize that what happens in one trench , does not mean also occurs in all other trenches , " said Dr Alan Jamieson , from Oceanlab at the University of Aberdeen , UK , who undertook an expedition with the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand .
There are more than 30 deep-sea trench around the world , and most of the ocean are narrow slits in the Pacific Ocean .
Until this expedition carried out , the New Hebrides trench depth is located 1.500km in northern New Zealand has never been explored before .The team used the camera with bait to attract fishCusk eel adaptable to any depth
Arrow tooth eel is brought to the surface of the sea
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