Apple dan Samsung saling tuduh langgar paten untuk produk perangkat mobile.
Perusahaan teknologi Apple meminta sidang ulang kasus dugaan pelangaran dua paten yang dilakukan Samsung.
Juri di California sudah memerintahkan Samsung membayar ganti rugi kepada Apple sebesar US$119 juta, namun para pengamat mengatakan nilai tersebut jauh lebih kecil dari nilai yang diminta Apple, yaitu US$2,2 miliar.
Apple juga meminta pengadilan mengeluarkan keputusan hukum yang melarang Samsung memakai paten-paten Apple yang dinyatakan telah dilanggar oleh perusahaan raksasa asal Korea Selatan tersebut.
Samsung juga mengajukan gugatan tapi rinciannya sejauh ini belum diumumkan.
Selama sidang digelar, Apple menyebut Samsung secara sistematis meniru fitur-fitur perangkat lunak yang menjalankan iPhone, iPad, dan iPod.
Tuduhan ini dibantah Samsung yang menyatakan justru Apple yang meniru teknologi mereka.
Juri memutuskan Apple juga melanggar paten Samsung dan memerintahkan perusahaan yang didirikan Steve Jobs ini membayar ganti rugi sebesar US$158.000.
Request a hearing technology company Apple over two patents cases of alleged violations committed by Samsung.
The jury in California has ordered Samsung to pay compensation to Apple for U.S. $ 119 million , but analysts say the value is much smaller than the required value of Apple , which is U.S. $ 2.2 billion .
In this case Apple has accused Samsung mimic include five patents , among the features 'slide to unlock ' or the movement of a finger across the screen to unlock or revive a cell phone or other mobile device .
Apple is also asking the court issued a judgment which prohibits Samsung wearing Apple patents have been violated by the company declared the South Korean giant .
Samsung also filed a lawsuit but the details have not been announced so far .
During the hearing was held , Apple calls Samsung systematically mimic features of the software that runs the iPhone , iPad , and iPod .
This accusation is denied by Samsung that Apple actually states that mimic their technology .
The jury also decided Apple violated Samsung's patents and ordered the company founded by Steve Jobs to pay compensation of U.S. $ 158,000 .
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