Cahaya lampu kamar mempengaruhi ukuran lingkar pinggang.
Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan tidur dengan pancaran lampu kamar terlalu terang meningkatkan resiko obesitas.
Tim periset dari institut kanker London
mengungkapkan lampu kamar yang terlalu terang pada malam hari bisa
membuat lingkar pinggang wanita membesar.Hasil penelitian yang melibatkan 113.000 wanita tersebut diterbitkan di American Journal of Epidemiology.
Para responden diminta untuk memberikan informasi seberapa terang lampu kamar mereka pada malam hari.
Jawaban mereka lalu disilangkan dengan faktor-faktor pemicu obesitas seperti indeks bobot tubuh, perbandingan pinggang dan panggul.
Hasil menunjukkan wanita dengan pancaran lampu lebih terang memiliki angka lebih tinggi.
Profesor Anthony Swerdlow dari institut riset kanker mengungkapkan kepada BBC, “dalam skala besar, ada kaitan antar ekspos cahaya malam hari dengan resiko obesitas.
Penjelasan paling logis adalah pengaruh cahaya mengganggu jam biologis.
Cahaya mengubah suasana hati, kondisi fisik, dan kemampuan memproses makanan dalam siklus 24 jam.
The results of the study revealed slept with room lights are too bright beam increases the risk of obesity .
A team of researchers from the London cancer institute revealed that the light was too bright at night can make a woman's waist circumference enlarged .
However, they do not recommend to buy thick curtains or turn off the lights .
Results of a study involving 113,000 women published in the American Journal of Epidemiology .
The respondents were asked to provide information on how the bright lights of their rooms at night .
Their answer then crossed with factors such as obesity triggers the body weight index , waist and hip ratio .
Results indicate women with brighter light beam having a higher rate .
Professor Anthony Swerdlow of cancer research institute revealed to the BBC , " a large scale , there is a link between exposure to the light evenings with the risk of obesity .
The most logical explanation is the influence of light interfere with the biological clock .
Light changing mood , physical condition , and ability to process food within 24 hours .
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