18 Juli 2014
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Manusia pagi, mereka yang aktif mulai pagi hari, lebih mungkin untuk berlaku curang dan tak etis malam harinya, begitu kesimpulan sebuah penelitian. |
Penelitian dilakukan oleh para akademisi di Johns Hopkins dan Universitas Washington dan Prof Sunita Sah adalah asisten profesor untuk etika bisnis di Universitas Georgetown sekaligus peneliti di Harvard.
Penelitian menguji perilaku hampir 200 orang yang diikut-sertakan dalam tes dan permainan pemecahan masalah tanpa menyadari bahwa yang sedang diukur adalah kejujuran.
'Burung hantu' lebih jujur
Studi "Moralitas Lark (burung pagi) dan burung hantu," menguji hubungan antara pengambilan keputusan etik dan "kronotipe."
Kronotipe adalah istilah yang mengacu pada "jam internal" manusia, kapan seseorang paling mengantuk atau kapan paling berenergi.
Kaum Lark (burung pagi,) adalah mereka yang bangun awal dan berenergi di hari terang, sedang kaum "burung hantu" adalah mereka yang bangun siang dan lebih bernergi di sore dan malam hari karenanya tidur lebih larut.
Ditemukan kaitan yang sangat kuat antara kejujuran dengan kronotipe masing-masing: kaum pagi lebih mungkin bersikap etis di pagi hari, sementara kaum malam lebih mungkin jujur di malam hari.
Tetapi tingkat kejujuran dititikberatkan tatkala mereka berada di luar wilayah waktu yang mereka sukai.
Studi itu membantah kesan umum bahwa "kaum malam hari" lebih mungkin berperilaku tak pantas.
"Penelitian itu mempersoalkan pandangan umum, bahwa 'manusia malam' cenderung mesum," simpul penelitian itu.
Humans morning, they were actively start the morning, more likely to cheat and not ethical in the evening, so the conclusions of a study.
The psychologists found that "the morning" and "evening people" has a different level of honesty.
Professor Sunita Sah said that there is a relationship between ethical choice with "internal clock".
The study was conducted by academics at Johns Hopkins and the University of Washington and Prof. Sunita Sah is an assistant professor for business ethics at Georgetown University and researcher at Harvard.
The study tested the behavior of nearly 200 people who be included in the test and problem-solving game without realizing that what is being measured is honesty.
'Owls' more honest
Study "Morality Lark (early bird) and owls," examines the relationship between ethics and decision making "kronotipe."
Kronotipe is a term that refers to the "internal clock" man, when one of the most sleepy or when the most energy.
The Lark (early bird,) are those who get up early in the day light and energy, while the "owls" are those who wake up in the afternoon and more bernergi afternoons and evenings so sleep late.
Found a very strong link between honesty with each kronotipe: the morning are more likely to behave ethically in the morning, while the night is more likely to be honest in the evening.
But the level of honesty is emphasized when they are outside their preferred time zone.
The study refuted the general impression that "the night" are more likely to misbehave.
"The study questioned the common view, that 'man night' tend to be nasty," concluded the study.
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